HI there

Big Welcome to the Goddess on a Coffee Break!

Did you know?

… we are in the midst of a major paradigm shift, chilling at the silver lining of a golden age, learning to create reality consciously, and navigating our way in the cosmos with as much grace and splendor as we can muster! We learn to manifest our dreams and heart’s desires, and how to be in a healing service to our tribe, community and Mother Earth!

But. We are living on a planet where things tend to get complicated, and we might get stuck in the suck, whether due to the gravity of things or some other annoying forces of nature. And then, we might forget about our divine nature and our amazing creative capabilities. Yet, manifesting heart desires is easier when you consciously co-create and mindfully co-exist, doing the work instead of trying- which also makes Yoda happy!

Perhaps sometimes in the future, we will transcend our bodies and explore the universes in living spaceships navigated with our intention and propelled by our heart’s pure desire, where our life purpose will no longer be a question to pose and our objective will be simple: an intergalactic conquest. The questions: what’s for diner will no longer be a daily headache. We will have a jolly good time and lots of cool stories to tell the space-grandkids.

Until then, we’re still here.

Mastering our physical lives is the next best thing to cosmic adventures. And guess what, you still can eat all the chocolate cake you want. Take that, futuristic space-age selves!

So, on our path of self-discovery and self-mastery, there are a few things worth remembering:

You can’t go wrong! All choices are a part of self-experiencing on planet Earth, there are no detrimentally good or bad ones. We might be knocked down by the unexpected fist of fate, or shocked by an ominous knock on our door that changes the predictable routine of our lives. And just like that, we must respond to this invitation from fate. A sickness, sudden loss, lingering depression, or a lack of life direction are such invitations, as well as your deep nagging desires – to write that romance, become the CEO of the coolest business on Earth, meet your personal heroes, and become a hero to someone else. You are not obliged to be now who you were five minutes ago. Change is the only constant in the universe. Choices are abundant. Here I said it – you have permission to change the way you experience your choices. Whether it’s a need for radical healing, finding Love, prosperity, or happiness, you are allowed to achieve all those things by making a decision NOW to be OK with what was and start making better more fulfilling choices one at a time all the time.

You don’t have to go for it! When Gandalf knocks on your door, gives you that conspicuous look, and says: Are you ready, little buddy? Let’s blow some s**t up and dye for a cause that will make us gloriously infamous – feel free to say F**K off, dude. You tell him: “We are not here to save the world, but to enjoy it”, and let go of the need to save everything and everyone, instead make your personal world a better, more organized, and happier place. That will change your world and it will mean a world to the rest of us.

Leave your comfort zone – In case you decided to accept the impossible invitation (I knew you would say YES, you little spiritual rascal), here are some more pointers:

  • Drink extra water
  • Ask for help, direction, respite, and guidance
  • Don’t take shortcuts (unless you honed the power of wormholes, then, by all means, be my guest)
  • Accept the gits – there will be so many!
  • And look in the mirror – you are the hero you’ve been waiting for

Find the tools that serve you. Maybe it’s a yoga practice, journaling, breathing techniques, tarot guidance, mantras, or anything else that lifts your body and spirit. Use these tools passionately, and frequently.

Trust your personal life cycles. Overnight success is a myth, it’s usually built on years of preparation, failure, and many repeated efforts. Building habits, building habits, and building habits is a tried and sure path to mastery. You will experience slow days, boring months, and even decades of ‘sameness’, and then you will pick up a speed, find momentum, get s**t done, and the world will be amazed. We all have our own paths to walk, so don’t compare your progress with anybody else’s. Our personal growth cycles and seasonal rhythms are subjective. Rather than grow impatient trying to conform to the larger picture, enjoying the opportunity to be one of a kind. Seek your cycles – moon cycles, astrological cycles, growth cycles, what propels your wheel of life? Create mandalas, use praying beads, and find out what makes you go and when you need to go slow. Trust your rhythm, and follow inspired action.

Change the way you look at things, and things you look at will change. Because, as dr Wayne Dyer said, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading”. Life is about attitude, man. But you can’t explain it, you got to feel it. It’s an insider’s job that changes the external perception of life’s experiences. The intention makes the whole difference because when you choose to feel good, optimistic, lovable, enough, the outside world will meet your expectations faithfully. And if something goes “wrong”, and most likely something will, see it as an opportunity to grow, expand and transform.

And lastly, say thanks a lot. Say thank you to your food and your morning cup of joe, your bed, and your pillow. Be ecstatic for the sun and the home to come back to, hot water in your shower, and the days you are living, tomorrow is not guaranteed. It doesn’t take a lot to get yourself into an attitude of gratitude and appreciation. It’s the simple things in life that really matter. And lastly say thank you to yourself for being here now, for giving yourself permission to explore, learn, ponder, ask questions, and seek adventures.

Thank you for being here with me. Witch much love and appreciation

Pati Becker

Let’s connect!


I offer spiritual guidance and tools for your healing, growth, clarity and manifestations. Tarot is a profound visual helper that allows one to access an unconscious meaning of an actual condition through playful combination and observation of archetypes.


Become your own Oracle, and get in touch with your intuition, and your inner knowing. Create from your heart and become a creative and authentic superstar. Dolls, Vedic Art, and process-oriented art can guide you toward a happier and more fulfilling life.


(quickly, pick a number between 1 and 30)

  1. Practice Enlightened Selfishness
  2. Receive Inspired Actions
  3. Paint for fun
  4. Read your favorite book
  5. Connect with nature
  6. Go treasure hunting
  7. Cook something delicious
  8. Express radical authenticity
  9. Write a poem
  10. Watch a movie
  11. Be funny and playful
  12. Sleep, take a nap, receive in your dreams
  13. Connect with an old friend
  14. Change your appearance
  15. Walk barefoot, connect with the Earth
  16. Connect with a spirit animal
  17. Speak out your truth
  18. Star gaze
  19. Color and doodle
  20. Move your body, stretch, do yoga, go for an energy walk
  21. Make plans, create schedules, set goals
  22. Ask for help, guidance and directions
  23. Accept past experiences and move on
  24. Connect with an angel
  25. Go out for a date with yourself, make it unique and special
  26. Make a vision board
  27. Start a journal
  28. Make a list of things you are grateful for
  29. Use guided meditation for your growth
  30. Check out art gallery or art museum
  31. Do your abundance planning – take a closer look at how your making, saving and spending money
  32. Make time to focus on yourself
  33. Discover your favorite scent. Go smell roses or apply essential oils.
  34. Do nothing, rest
  35. Pamper yourslef
  36. Clean your space
  37. Connect with crystals
  38. Make an altar
  39. Drink delicious tea
  40. Check on your health
  41. Look for fairies
  42. Massage your feet before bedtime
  43. Plan a vacation
  44. Spend time with animals
  45. Create with your hands
  46. Jump to the project you’ve been neglecting
  47. Teach today
  48. Allow your work to become your art
  49. Allow yourself to receive something
  50. Face the darkness and bring to light that which is ready to be heald
  51. Declutter
  52. Send love and forgiveness toward that person
  53. Take one step toward your dream, don’t be afraid!
  54. Call to your allies of joyful abundance -your inner child, spirit totems, guardians, and guides
  55. Find 10 companies that make a change for better in the world, learn from them
  56. Give something away
  57. Appreciate the mess you’re in. Order is born from chaos. This time is filled with great potential
  58. Say yes to what you’ve been afraid to say yes to
  59. Take one nagging problem you’ve been putting off, and finely make a choice
  60. Smile to a stranger, it fills people’s hearts with invisible sympathy and hope
  61. Watch your favorite comedy, laughter is a remedy for stress
  62. Take the next step toward your goal, no matter how small (or BIG)