
The Self-Care Spread. Check in, listen, seek answers, and prioritize.

This self-care spread was inspired by an interesting journaling self-inquiry exercise I found in Mantra Wellness Magazine some time ago. It has to do with checking in where we’re self-sabotaging, and why certain things are not manifesting in our lives. I would say this spread belongs to the shadow work material, as we seek the answers about our fears and blocked potential, so it might be used only when that kind of work is required. The 11 cards will deliver a meaningful and deep reading, so make sure you’ve got the time to sit with it for a while and then take action as needed.

Go deep for the answer, resist believing old stories, change your beliefs, and begin searching for the truth. Are you struggling with taking meaningful care of yourself, prioritizing your needs, or finding the energy to put yourself first? Do you feel stuck and stagnant?

Shuffle your cards and place them in a circle starting at the top. As you pull a card, ask yourself:

  1. How do I hold myself back?
  2. What am I not admitting to myself?
  3. Why do I hide my light?
  4. What core belief hinders my free self-expression?
  5. Why is my most self-sabotaging pattern?
  6. How do I waste my energy?
  7. What brings me peace?
  8. What are my strengths?
  9. What supports me on my journey to wholeness and wellness?
  10. What is the most inspired action right now?
  11. What is the possible outcome?


The shadow cards indicate areas of our lives that need healing and integration. If a shadow card shows up in a ‘positive’ placement it points to the possible release of traumas and self-wounding patterns now.

Positive cards indicate the strengths and solutions or the abilities, gifts, and talents that we are not using to the greatest extent, or that are at our disposal and all we need to do is put them to work! Sometimes we take our natural abilities and positive traces of character for granted. We forget the evidence of our strength, courage, wisdom, or resourcefulness.


When you dive into the Shadow material, be clear about your question and stay open to the message you receive. If you’re pissed, desperate, or overwhelmed by fear, or you just need guidance about your next step, expect to hear the words of wisdom, compassion, and understanding. The Shadow Cards are not there to give you a hard time, or to make you feel bad about your struggles and limitations. They are merely pointing out which ‘negative’ tape you’re playing in your mind, and how is your energy blocked.

Remember there are only 13 Shadow Cards in the deck, and 65 cards representing your gifts, talents and levels of mastery accessible at any point in time.

State the problem you are facing, and what’s troubling you right now, and as you pull each card, ask without self-judgment the questions as indicated in the spread.

Each card is a message in itself, take your time, journal, observe, meditate, and if necessary, ask for additional guidance from Tarot or Oracle.


This is my reading. I guess you can say, you get what you ask for. Talking about diving deep into the Shadow Cards!

My Shadow Cards included the 8 of Cups, 3, 5, AND 7 of Swords(auch!), and 10 of Wands.

Swords belonging to the element of air are all about the mind and what we create with our thoughts. Often the early childhood wounds hide behind the 3 of Swords card. So the fact that this is the likely outcome in my reading indicates a possibility to get to the root of the problem and with the swift and transformative power of the Death Card, rid of this negative self-talk and limiting patterns once and for all!



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